
Table of Contents

Log of ideas, list of notes, snippets of thoughts

<2025-01-03 Fri> Pomodoro Mascot

There is of course the Pomodoro method for taking breaking during focused work. But what kind of mascot would be appropriate to cheer you on as you work through focus periods?

Pomodoro is the Italian word for tomato, so a tomato seems quite appropriate as the mascot.

The Pomodoro technique is named after the timer used by the creator, Fancesco Cirillo.

<2025-01-03 Fri> Idea for application

Build an application to help freewriting becomes distraction free and assist in the free flowing and drifting train of thought between multiple trains of thought. This application should not be aimed solely at the technically inclined but appeal to a more general user of software. Ghostty recently came out and Mitchell Hashimoto makes some really interesting arguments for certain design choices and technology choices which I could learn from.

Consider using the same tech stack for my own application. Might need to learn zig.

<2025-01-02 Thu> TUI for pomodoro

Folks who like to use windows managers also like to use simple scripts, CLIs, and TUIs. An interesting TUI that could be useful is one that implements the pomodoro timer.

Design would include two halves an interesting animation half and a timer half. As the timer gets close to the next break the character in the animation half get sleepy (or something). This is similar to how teenage engineering does animation to support users knowing what the machine is up to. It looks cool and it conveys information.

For this I think I would want to use Haskell and the brick library.

<2024-12-04 Wed> No need to validate org-publish

Don’t test other software, just test the html we add for validity.

<2024-12-03 Tue> Improved workflow

I’ve been reading the posts of Kent Beck and one of the take aways that is sticking with me is the value of being able to change your project quickly. One way to power this is to instill confidence that the changes you are making have the desired behavior (testing! what a novel idea!) I want to add tools to make sure the code for my personal site are well tested and that my workflow can speed up over time while also adding more complex behavior.

I want to add a linter to css, javascript, and html.

I want to add jest testing for the javascrpt

<2024-12-03 Tue> Project dependent doom-emacs config

no need to make the config global, just apply the org-publish setting while in the project

<2024-12-03 Tue>

Added .flash-btn class to keep button classes separate to the stylesheet.

<2024-12-03 Tue>

project dependent doom-emacs config was added Here are the instructions given https://discourse.doomemacs.org/t/file-and-directory-local-settings/161